Eating With The Harvest

I’ve been focusing on what I eat because I want to tone up again. Overall, I’m a fairly fit and a healthy eater, but my eating habits have taken a turn for the worst the last few years. My husband and I tend to eat out a lot and there was a span of time where I was doing some stress eating. I’m not what I would call a stress eater where I reach for food in the moment, but I do tend to make poorer choices during the day when I am stressed. I have been working on identifying that in the moment and working on what I am putting in my body to feel good so I don’t get the digestive problems I’ve been living with the last 7 years.

Summer Eggs and Chickory

With summer here, I have been using my herb garden. I love walking out to gather what I want to season my food. I really enjoy eggs- either eggs sunny side up or omelette style. Lately I have been making eggs, omelette style, with herbs. I usually go out to pick some thyme, oregano, and parley. I also add EITHER basil or peppermint to it too. I crack one full egg and two egg whites, adding a tablespoon or so of half and half (it’s the only milk product in our home). I whisk in the herbs as well. This is my favorite summer egg to have! With my greens coming in full force, I have been having a salad of chickory with my eggs. I put on a bit of olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt and pepper. It’s a play off a dandelion salad we make for dinner. This meal is filling and fuels me through to lunch time, or beyond.

Apricot Jam in the Summer

I also enjoy taking advantage of the fruits in season. Each year I make some apricot preserves, and each year I use a different recipe. This year’s recipe included 2 pounds (roughly 8) apricots, 1 cup of honey and 1 cup of water. I simmered this down, skins included, and it made a beautiful preserve or jelly that did not have any large chunks. I feel the large chunks are the best part, but I do like the spreadability of this recipe. It was also very quick and I used ingredients I already had in my home. It has been phenomenal on some whole grain toast, which has a touch of cinnamon in its flavor.

Purple Pole Beans

My goal is to eat with the seasons. My beans are just starting to come in and my tomatoes are getting closer every day. As summer continues on, I remember to enjoy the season and what it brings to me. I hope to share more recipes and ideas for you as my garden continues to come through this year. What veggies are coming through in your garden and what are your favorite recipes to enjoy with them?