2018 Is My Year of Choice

Goodbye 2017!

I realize this post is way overdue, but better late than never, right? With 2017 gone, I’m still amazed at how quickly the months flew by after September! It’s my peak travel season for work and the holidays so of course it’s going to fly away like a dandelion seed in the wind. I always take the days between Christmas and New Year off for my sanity. First off, it’s the first time I’m actually able to take some considerable time off of work without the consequences. Second, it allows me to reflect and prepare for the year to come. It’s also nice to shop the end of year sales, but I did control myself this year.

During 2017, my goal was to become more self aware. This meant, for me, listening to my body and honoring what it needs. It meant continuing to workout and move, which definitely helps me manage my stress the most efficient way. Reflecting back on it, I am proud of how I did remember to listen to what my body needed. I am not perfect so it was definitely not 100% of the time, but it was a good majority of the time. The thing I was most proud of that happened last year was my ability to stand up for myself and what I believed was right. This was simply an extension to my goal of self awareness and honoring myself. I would have to say that 2017 was a success. I had my setbacks, my struggles, my enlightened moments and my happy times so for me that is success all in itself.

This year my resolution is choice. My goal this year is to make a positive choices for myself every single day. Choice is a big thing and covers my entire life. I will be choosing to nourish my body with healthy food. I will be choosing to manage my stress and feed my soul by moving and being outside. I will be choosing to do the things that make me happy and refreshed. I am going to choose to have more laughs with friends and family. I am going to choose to have tears when they are needed. I am choosing to nourish my soul and my heart by committing to practicing more yoga. I am choosing to create the career and achieve the career goals that I’ve always wanted. I have basically given myself free reign to choose what is best for me.

What is your resolution this year?

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