I Have an MBA, but I Feel Dumber

One of my biggest achievements of 2016 was finishing my MBA program. I took my time and it took me 3 full years to do it, but I feel like I have a qualification that will allow me to go far in my career. But if this is the case, why do I feel dumber than when I started? This worried me and I double checked it with a friend of mine who finished her program recently. She feels the same way! Then I started thinking and exploring why.

I changed jobs 3 years ago going from a large multinational company to a small multinational company. An MBA was a coveted thing in my prior organization and the industries in which they played. They even went as far as giving you a bump in pay when you were finished! There was also the possibility of moving into different roles, as most required an MBA, within the company so all-in-all the education component was an important one. I’m in a much different company now where advancement opportunities are slim and getting experience outside your functional area is sparse. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not feeling dumber, I’ve just stopped growing and moving forward. Or maybe I’ve stopped dreaming.

There are all sorts of famous quotes about learning from those really well known people of the past and present. You know like Confucius, “He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.” Even way back when, continuing to learn and expand was vital! I am in marketing, and as any marketer knows, technology and ways people are purchasing products and services is changing dramatically. I had to find a way to keep my mind busy and find new ways to move forward.

I’m, unfortunately, on the search for a job, but not just any job. I’m looking for my next employer to be able to support my growth long term. I am also looking for a supervisor/ boss/ leader who embodies similar values and goals as I do. After having quite a few bosses, I feel like the manager makes or breaks the role your in. I want to be able to embody this same feeling and drive to be a manager people want to work for.

I’ve also started a new certification. I promised myself that I was going to take a year off of school type things after I finished my MBA program. Not so much! This is helping keep my mind occupied and it will help me have the knowledge I need for the role I seek. For me, this is taking the cards I’ve been dealt and moving forward to something else.

There are so many ways to move forward in your career and your personal life. The key is figuring out where you want to go. The path is never a straight one, but it will lead you somewhere you never expected.




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